Gwydion's Library and More

Gwydion amassed a collection of books, some of which are quite rare and are often referred to by other scholars. Titles such as "The Festival of Lughnasa", printed by the Oxford press about 1938, are exciting and a must read for any student of the craft. This book was put together by anthropologists who traveled from village to village in Ireland collecting stories about the Festival. They do not discount any story, and gave credence to most that they met. Years were spent doing the research.

Another example is "Celtic Britain" by Rhys. This book is often quoted, but few copies seem to exist. "British Goblins" is another scholarly text.

We simply want to remind you all what a trove of goodies await those who are serious about their studies, both literary and practical. We also have a garden full of perennial herbs, each with their lessons and stories to tell. The wild woods are aso rich with herbs, flora and fauna, with their own wisdom to pass on.

Annwfn is a wonderful place to study, away from the hub-bub and distractions of bright lights and flatlands. Please come see what is in store on our shelves. It might surprise you!